GreenFields USA announces GeoSurfaces as new installation partner
GreenFields USA is proud to announce its new distribution and installation partner: GeoSurfaces, based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. TenCate Grass, GreenFields’ parent company, recently acquired a controlling interest in GeoSurfaces.
The two companies have already collaborated on several installations of GreenFields’ premium woven turf product, IRONTURFTM. Most recently, GeoSurfaces installed an IRONTURF football field at the University of Arkansas – Pine Bluff, which represents GreenFields’ first Division I IRONTURF installation. GeoSurfaces also installed the first IRONTURF baseball field at Pearl River Community College in Poplarville, Mississippi.
“We’ve won projects across the Southeast and into Texas and Oklahoma due to our innovative and unique approach to artificial turf field installation for the past 15 years,” said Charles Dawson, founder and CEO of GeoSurfaces. “Our new relationship with TenCate Grass and GreenFields USA positions GeoSurfaces to grow our business within our current geography and beyond.”
GeoSurfaces is one of the few U.S. firms that offers science- and engineering-based “turn-key” surfacing solutions. The company is known for its innovative GeoBase and GeoFlo technology. In the past 15 years, GeoSurfaces has installed more than 400 fields and nearly 30 million square feet of artificial turf across the Southeast.
“We’re excited to see what this new relationship will help us achieve together, especially since we’ve collaborated with GeoSurfaces in the past and know the quality of its work is very high,” said Michael MacNeil, Chief Operations Officer for Tencate Grass and GreenFields Americas. “We’re delighted to welcome GeoSurfaces to the TenCate Grass family.”